Shows like Kidnapped to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Action & Adventure & Drama tv show Kidnapped with Dana Delany, Jeremy Sisto, Linus Roache & Robert John Burke & created by Jason Smilovic?
TV Series like Kidnapped with the highest similarity score
Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Kidnapped?
Complex overtones surround the kidnapping of a wealthy New York family's 15-year-old son, leading a specialist and a retiring FBI agent to figure it out.
Its air date is Wednesday September 20, 2006
Its air date is Wednesday September 20, 2006
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Abduction, Kidnapping & Missing Person |
Genre | Action & Adventure & Drama |
Country | The United States |
Creator | Jason Smilovic |
Starring | Dana Delany, Jeremy Sisto, Linus Roache & Robert John Burke |
First Air date | 2006-09-20 |
Place | New York City |
Music | W. G. Snuffy Walden |
Runtime | 42 |