Shows like Krapopolis to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Animation, Comedy & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show Krapopolis with Hannah Waddingham, Matt Berry, Pam Murphy & Richard Ayoade & created by Dan Harmon?

TV Series like Krapopolis with the highest similarity score

Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Krapopolis?

Follows a flawed family of humans, gods, and monsters that tries to run one of the world's first cities without killing each other.
Its air date is Sunday September 24, 2023

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adult Animation, Family Comedy, Fictionalized History, Greek God & Greek Mythology
Genre Animation, Comedy & Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Creator Dan Harmon
Starring Hannah Waddingham, Matt Berry, Pam Murphy & Richard Ayoade
First Air date 2023-09-24
Runtime 22