Shows like Los Farad to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Crime & Drama tv show Los Farad with Adam Jezierski, Miguel Herrán, Pedro Casablanc & Susana Abaitua & created by Alejandro Hernández & Mariano Barroso?
TV Series like Los Farad with the highest similarity score
Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Los Farad?
It follows Oskar, who dreams of setting up a gym. He ends up entering the world of the Costa del Sol, all due to the Farads, a family that offers him a future, but with the most unexpected of trades: arms trafficking.
Its air date is Tuesday December 12, 2023
Its air date is Tuesday December 12, 2023
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | 1980s & Marbella |
Genre | Crime & Drama |
Creator | Alejandro Hernández & Mariano Barroso |
Starring | Adam Jezierski, Miguel Herrán, Pedro Casablanc & Susana Abaitua |
First Air date | 2023-12-12 |