Shows like Magnificent Century to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Action & Adventure & Drama tv show Magnificent Century with Halit Ergenç, Meryem Uzerli, Nur Fettahoglu & Selim Bayraktar & created by Timur Savcı?
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From 1520, follows Suleiman the Magnificent and his relatives from his great conquests to the "Battle of Szigeth".
Its air date is Thursday January 6, 2011
Its air date is Thursday January 6, 2011
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | 16th Century, Historical Drama, Ottoman Empire & Royal Family |
Genre | Action & Adventure & Drama |
Country | Turkey |
Creator | Timur Savcı |
Starring | Halit Ergenç, Meryem Uzerli, Nur Fettahoglu & Selim Bayraktar |
First Air date | 2011-01-06 |
Time | 16th century |
Music | Fahir Atakoğlu |
Runtime | 90 |