Shows like Penny Dreadful to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Drama, Fantasy & Horror tv show Penny Dreadful with Eva Green, Josh Hartnett, Patti LuPone & Rory Kinnear & created by John Logan & John Logan (writer)?
TV Series like Penny Dreadful with the highest similarity score
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Explorer Sir Malcolm Murray, American gunslinger Ethan Chandler, scientist Victor Frankenstein, and medium Vanessa Ives unite to combat supernatural threats in Victorian London.
Its air date is Sunday May 11, 2014
Its air date is Sunday May 11, 2014
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Demons, Devil, Magic Powers & Super Powers, Monster, Prostitution, Supernatural, Underground, Vampire, Vampires, Victorian England, Werewolf, Werewolves, Witch & Witchcraft |
Genre | Drama, Fantasy & Horror |
Country | Ireland & United Kingdom |
Creator | John Logan & John Logan (writer) |
Starring | Eva Green, Josh Hartnett, Patti LuPone & Rory Kinnear |
First Air date | 2014-05-11 |
Place | London |
Time | 1890s |
Music | Abel Korzeniowski |
Runtime | 60 |