Shows like Person of Interest to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Action, Adventure, Drama & Sci-fi tv show Person of Interest with Jim Caviezel, Kevin Chapman, Michael Emerson & Sarah Shahi & created by Jonathan Nolan?

TV Series like Person of Interest with the highest similarity score

Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Person of Interest?

An ex-assassin and a wealthy programmer save lives via a surveillance AI that sends them the identities of civilians involved in impending crimes. However, the details of the crimes--including the civilians' roles--are left a mystery.
Its air date is Thursday September 22, 2011

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Anti Hero, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence & Robots, Computers & Hackers, Government Agent, Hacker, Malware, Police Precinct, Saving Lives, Surveillance, Terrorism & Vigilante
Genre Action, Adventure, Drama & Sci-fi
Country The United States
Creator Jonathan Nolan
Starring Jim Caviezel, Kevin Chapman, Michael Emerson & Sarah Shahi
First Air date 2011-09-22
Place New York City
Location New York (state)
Music Ramin Djawadi
Runtime 43