Shows like Red Roses to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Drama tv show Red Roses with Erkan Avci, Mert Turak, Özcan Deniz & Özgü Namal & created by Necati Şahin?
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Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Red Roses?
It is about the intersecting fates of Levent, a secular Atatürk supporter, and Meryem, who lives in a bigoted sect, and draws attention to the unifying power of motherhood/fatherhood when it comes to "child", despite differences of belief and opinion.
Its air date is Monday December 18, 2023
Its air date is Monday December 18, 2023
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Drama |
Creator | Necati Şahin |
Starring | Erkan Avci, Mert Turak, Özcan Deniz & Özgü Namal |
First Air date | 2023-12-18 |
Runtime | 120 |