Shows like Shangri-La Frontier to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Action & Adventure, Animation & Comedy tv show Shangri-La Frontier with Azumi Waki, Makoto Koichi, Yoko Hikasa & Yuma Uchida & created by 不二凉介?
TV Series like Shangri-La Frontier with the highest similarity score
Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Shangri-La Frontier?
Rakuro Hizutome only cares about one thing: beating crappy VR games. He devotes his entire life to these buggy games and could clear them all in his sleep. One day, he decides to challenge himself and play a popular god-tier game called Shangri-La Frontier. But he quickly learns just how difficult it is. Will his expert skills be enough to uncover its hidden secrets?
Its air date is Sunday October 1, 2023
Its air date is Sunday October 1, 2023
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Anime, Based On Manga, Based On Novel Or Book, Fantasy World, Shounen & Video Games |
Genre | Action & Adventure, Animation & Comedy |
Creator | 不二凉介 |
Starring | Azumi Waki, Makoto Koichi, Yoko Hikasa & Yuma Uchida |
First Air date | 2023-10-01 |
Runtime | 24 |