Shows like The Borgias to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Action & Adventure, Drama & Historical tv show The Borgias with Colm Feore, Ruta Gedmintas, Simon McBurney & Thure Lindhardt & created by Neil Jordan?

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In 15th century, pope Alexander VI tries to control all power in Italy with the help of his several sons, through murder, intrigue, war and marriage alliances.
Its air date is Friday June 24, 2011

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Topic 15th Century, 16th Century, Historical Drama, Immortality, Incest, Italian Renaissance, Monarchy, Papacy, Period, Politics, Popes, Power, Religion, Renaissance, Sex & Vatican City
Genre Action & Adventure, Drama & Historical
Country France, Germany & Hungary
Creator Neil Jordan
Starring Colm Feore, Ruta Gedmintas, Simon McBurney & Thure Lindhardt
First Air date 2011-06-24
Place Italy & Renaissance
Time 15th Century & 16th century
Music Cyril Morin
Runtime 50