Shows like The L Word: Generation Q to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Drama tv show The L Word: Generation Q with Arienne Mandi, Jennifer Beals, Katherine Moennig & Leisha Hailey & created by Ilene Chaiken?

TV Series like The L Word: Generation Q with the highest similarity score

Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of The L Word: Generation Q?

In this sequel to The L Word, we continue to follow the intermingled lives of Bette Porter, Alice Pieszecki and Shane McCutcheon, along with a new generation of diverse, self-possessed LGBTQIA+ characters experiencing love, heartbreak, sex, setbacks and success in L.A.
Its air date is Sunday December 8, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic California, Female Friendship, Lesbian Relationship, LGBT & Los Angeles
Genre Drama
Creator Ilene Chaiken
Starring Arienne Mandi, Jennifer Beals, Katherine Moennig & Leisha Hailey
First Air date 2019-12-08
Place Los Angeles
Runtime 60