Shows like The Peripheral to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Drama & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show The Peripheral with Chloë Grace Moretz, Gary Carr, Jack Reynor & JJ Feild & created by Scott B. Smith?
TV Series like The Peripheral with the highest similarity score
Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of The Peripheral?
Set in the future when technology has subtly altered society, a woman discovers a secret connection to an alternate reality as well as a dark future of her own.
Its air date is Thursday October 20, 2022
Its air date is Thursday October 20, 2022
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Based On Novel Or Book, Broken Family, Cyberpunk, Gamer, Thriller, Time Machine, War Veteran & Young Woman |
Genre | Drama & Sci-Fi & Fantasy |
Creator | Scott B. Smith |
Starring | Chloë Grace Moretz, Gary Carr, Jack Reynor & JJ Feild |
First Air date | 2022-10-20 |
Runtime | 60 |