Shows like Witse to stream online
What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Action & Adventure, Crime & Drama tv show Witse with Hilde van Haesendonck, Hubert Damen, Mathijs Scheepers & Wim Opbrouck & created by Ward Hulselmans?
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After his wife cheats on him with his superior, police commissioner Witse leaves Brussels for Halle to start a new life. His idiosyncratic character and ways of solving cases often clashes with his new colleagues.
Its air date is Sunday January 11, 2004
Its air date is Sunday January 11, 2004
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Flemish, Inspector, Murder & Police |
Genre | Action & Adventure, Crime & Drama |
Creator | Ward Hulselmans |
Starring | Hilde van Haesendonck, Hubert Damen, Mathijs Scheepers & Wim Opbrouck |
First Air date | 2004-01-11 |
Runtime | 70 |