Watch A Soldier’s Heart online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure & Drama tv show A Soldier’s Heart, created by Charo Santos-Concio & starring on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: A Soldier’s Heart

The story of the soldiers of the 4th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army and their actions during combat. Through multiple perspectives, the story focuses on these soldiers, mainly: Alex Marasigan, an IT expert who quits his desk job and joins because just like his brother, he wants to serve the country, Abraham "Abe" Kamlun, a Tausug Muslim man, who, despite his family's opposition of the move, joins the Army nonetheless, and Michael Mendoza, a boy who joins the Army to provide for his family. It also focuses on their Moro separatist adversaries, led by Saal Alhuraji, also known by his nom de guerre Abdul Waajid, who seeks to avenge his father who was killed by the military.

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Its air date is Monday January 20, 2020

Production details

Creator Charo Santos-Concio
Genre Action & Adventure & Drama
First Air date 2020-01-20
Place setting Philippines


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