Watch Ajin online

Can you stream the Animation tv show Ajin, created by Gamon Sakurai & starring Aya Suzaki, Daisuke Hirakawa, Mamoru Miyano & Yoshimasa Hosoya on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Ajin

17 years ago, immortals first appeared on the battlefields of Africa. Later, rare, unknown new immortal lifeforms began appearing among humans, and they became known as "Ajin" (demi-humans)...

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Its air date is Saturday January 16, 2016

Production details

Creator Gamon Sakurai
Cast Aya Suzaki, Daisuke Hirakawa, Mamoru Miyano & Yoshimasa Hosoya
Genre Animation
First Air date 2016-01-16
Theme Anime, Based On Manga, Immortality & Thriller
Runtime 24
Homepage Ajin Homepage
