Watch Alcatraz online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Drama & Mystery tv show Alcatraz, created by Bryan Wynbrandt & Elizabeth Sarnoff & starring Jason Butler Harner, Robert Forster, Sam Neill & Sarah Jones on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Alcatraz

In 1963, all the prisoners and guards mysteriously disappear from Alcatraz. In the present day, they resurface and a secret agency are tasked with re-capturing them.

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Its air date is Monday January 16, 2012

Production details

Creator Bryan Wynbrandt & Elizabeth Sarnoff
Cast Jason Butler Harner, Robert Forster, Sam Neill & Sarah Jones
Genre Action & Adventure, Drama & Mystery
Country of origin The United States
First Air date 2012-01-16
Theme Alcatraz, Alcatraz Island, Disappearance, Escaped Prisoner, Police Detective, San Francisco & Time Travel
Place setting San Francisco
Music Michael Giacchino
Runtime 43


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