Watch Alias online

Can you stream the Action, Action & Adventure & Drama tv show Alias, created by J.J. Abrams & starring Carl Lumbly, Jennifer Garner, Kevin Weisman, Michael Vartan & Ron Rifkin on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Alias

Sydney Bristow is an international spy recruited out of college, trained for espionage and self-defense.

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Its air date is Sunday September 30, 2001

Production details

Creator J.J. Abrams
Cast Carl Lumbly, Jennifer Garner, Kevin Weisman, Michael Vartan & Ron Rifkin
Genre Action, Action & Adventure & Drama
Country of origin The United States
First Air date 2001-09-30
Theme Central Intelligence Agency, Double Agent, Female Spy, Murder, Revenge, Special Forces, Supernatural & The CIA
Place setting Los Angeles
Music Michael Giacchino
Runtime 60


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