Watch Basilisk online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Animation & War & Politics tv show Basilisk, created by Futaro Yamada & starring Misa Watanabe, Nana Mizuki, Risa Hayamizu & Yasushi Miyabayashi on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Basilisk

The year is 1614 AD. Two warring ninja clans, each supporting a son of Hidetada Tokugawa as the next shogun, send ten representatives each to fight to the death for the possession Tokugawa ...

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Its air date is Tuesday April 12, 2005

Production details

Creator Futaro Yamada
Cast Misa Watanabe, Nana Mizuki, Risa Hayamizu & Yasushi Miyabayashi
Genre Action & Adventure, Animation & War & Politics
First Air date 2005-04-12
Theme Anime, Female Ninja, Ninja, Ninja Fighter & Ninja Warrior
Time setting Comics 16th Century
Runtime 24


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