Watch Berserk online

Can you stream the Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure, Animation & Drama tv show Berserk, created by Kentaro Miura & Makoto Fukami & starring Hiroaki Iwanaga, Kaoru Mizuhara, Toa Yukinari & Youko Hikasa on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Berserk

Guts is a skilled swordsman who joins forces with a mercenary group named 'The Band of the Hawk', lead by the charismatic Griffith, and fights with them as they battle their way into the royal court.

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Its air date is Friday July 1, 2016

Production details

Creator Kentaro Miura & Makoto Fukami
Cast Hiroaki Iwanaga, Kaoru Mizuhara, Toa Yukinari & Youko Hikasa
Genre Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure, Animation & Drama
Country of origin Japan
First Air date 2016-07-01
Theme 3d, Anime, Based On Manga, Blood Splatter, Demon, Gore, Mercenary, Military, Murder, Revenge, Romance, Seinen, Slaughter, Suffering, Supernatural, Sword Fight, Warriors, Waterfall & Woods
Runtime 24


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