Watch Black Lagoon online

Can you stream the Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure & Animation tv show Black Lagoon on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Black Lagoon

A Japanese businessman, captured by modern-day pirates, is written off and left for dead by his company. Tired of the corporate life, he opts to stick with the mercenaries that kidnapped him, becoming part of their gang.

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Its air date is Saturday April 8, 2006

Production details

Cast Mami Koyama, Maryke Hendrikse, Megumi Toyoguchi & Patricia Drake
Genre Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure & Animation
Country of origin Japan
First Air date 2006-04-08
Theme Anime Manga Organized Crime, Arms Dealer, Boston, Business & Entrepreneurs, Female Gunfighter, Female Yakuza, Femme Fatale, Kidnapping & Abduction & Disappearances, Mercenary, Outlaw, Patricide, Pirates, Ship's Crew, Terrorism, Tropical Island & Uttar Pradesh
Place setting Piracy
Time setting 1990s
Runtime 25


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