Watch Cabo online

Can you stream the Drama & Soap tv show Cabo, created by José Alberto Castro & starring Bárbara de Regil, Eva Cedeño, María Chacón & Matías Novoa on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Cabo

Remake of Sortilegio (2009). Sofía and Alejandro get married in a dream wedding, but when Alejandro dies in a plane crash Sofia travels to Cabo to meet his new family, she realizes that Alejandro is alive and that his real name is...

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Its air date is Monday October 24, 2022

Production details

Creator José Alberto Castro
Cast Bárbara de Regil, Eva Cedeño, María Chacón & Matías Novoa
Genre Drama & Soap
First Air date 2022-10-24
Runtime 45

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