Watch Charmed online

Can you stream the Drama tv show Charmed, created by Constance M. Burge & starring Madeleine Mantock, Melonie Diaz, Rupert Evans & Sarah Jeffery on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Charmed

Three sisters discover their destiny, to battle against the forces of evil, using their witchcraft. They are the Charmed Ones.

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Its air date is Sunday October 14, 2018

Production details

Creator Constance M. Burge
Cast Madeleine Mantock, Melonie Diaz, Rupert Evans & Sarah Jeffery
Genre Drama
Country of origin United States
First Air date 2018-10-14
Theme Angels, Demons, Families, Magic, Reboot, Sisters & Witch
Place setting San Francisco
Location Los Angeles
Music * Tim Truman *
Runtime 45
Homepage Charmed Homepage
