Watch Degrassi online

Can you stream the Drama tv show Degrassi, created by Linda Schuyler & Yan Moore & starring A.J. Saudin, Cristine Prosperi, Demetrius Joyette & Luke Bilyk on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Degrassi

The lives of the kids at Degrassi Community School dealing with the serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.

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Its air date is Sunday October 14, 2001

Production details

Creator Linda Schuyler & Yan Moore
Cast A.J. Saudin, Cristine Prosperi, Demetrius Joyette & Luke Bilyk
Genre Drama
Country of origin Canada
First Air date 2001-10-14
Theme Canada, High School, Teen Drama, Teen Social Issues, Teenage Pregnancy, Teenager & Toronto
Music Tim Welch
Runtime 22
Homepage Degrassi Homepage