Watch Der letzte Bulle online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure & Comedy tv show Der letzte Bulle, created by Robert Dannenberg & Stefan Scheich & starring Helmfried von Lüttichau, Henning Baum, Maximilian Grill & Proschat Madani on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Der letzte Bulle

Der letzte Bulle is a German television series that was first aired in 2010. The series is about a cop from the 1980s put into a modern police department in Essen.

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Its air date is Monday April 12, 2010

Production details

Creator Robert Dannenberg & Stefan Scheich
Cast Helmfried von Lüttichau, Henning Baum, Maximilian Grill & Proschat Madani
Genre Action & Adventure & Comedy
Country of origin Germany
First Air date 2010-04-12
Theme Germany, Homicide Detective, Police Detective & Waking From Coma
Place setting North Rhine Westphalia
Music Thomas Klemm
Runtime 42

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