Watch Dororo online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Animation & Crime tv show Dororo, created by Yasuko Kobayashi & starring Akio Otsuka, Hiroki Suzuki, Mutsumi Sasaki & Rio Suzuki on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Dororo

A father in pursuit of power gives parts of his new-born son to a host of demons. Years later, the son battles those demons to regain what is rightfully his.

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Its air date is Monday January 7, 2019

Production details

Creator Yasuko Kobayashi
Cast Akio Otsuka, Hiroki Suzuki, Mutsumi Sasaki & Rio Suzuki
Genre Action & Adventure, Animation & Crime
First Air date 2019-01-07
Theme Based On Manga, Curse, Demon, Remake, Samurai, Supernatural, Swordplay & Violence
Runtime 24
Homepage Dororo Homepage


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