Watch Fearless online
Can you stream the Drama tv show Fearless, created by Patrick Harbinson & starring Helen McCrory, Jonathan Forbes, Rebecca Callard & Sam Swainsbury on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Fearless
Emma Banville, a human rights lawyer known for defending lost causes, sets out to prove the innocence of Kevin Russell, who was convicted for the murder of a school girl 14 years earlier.
Its air date is Monday June 12, 2017
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No streaming sources available just yetIts air date is Monday June 12, 2017
Production details
Creator | Patrick Harbinson |
Cast | Helen McCrory, Jonathan Forbes, Rebecca Callard & Sam Swainsbury |
Genre | Drama |
Country of origin | UK & United Kingdom |
First Air date | 2017-06-12 |
Theme | Law |
Runtime | 45 |
Homepage | Fearless Homepage |