Watch Fuuto P.I. online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Animation & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show Fuuto P.I. on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Fuuto P.I.

Small happiness, great misfortune, the town where wind always blows Futo. Shotaro Hidari and Philip work together in Narumi Detective Agency, solving various cases and bringing happiness to the people of this "Windy City".

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Its air date is Monday August 1, 2022

Production details

Cast Akira Sekine, Koki Uchiyama, Mikako Komatsu & Yoshimasa Hosoya
Genre Action & Adventure, Animation & Sci-Fi & Fantasy
First Air date 2022-08-01
Theme Based On Manga, Combat, Detective, Monster, Police, Sequel, Superhero & Supernatural
Runtime 24
Homepage Fuuto P.I. Homepage

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