Watch Grand Army online

Can you stream the Drama tv show Grand Army, created by Katie Cappiello & starring Amalia Yoo, Amir Bageria, Maliq Johnson & Odessa A'zion on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Grand Army

The drama series tells the story of five high school students as they struggle with sexual, racial and economic politics and fight to succeed and become somebody.

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Its air date is Friday October 16, 2020

Production details

Creator Katie Cappiello
Cast Amalia Yoo, Amir Bageria, Maliq Johnson & Odessa A'zion
Genre Drama
First Air date 2020-10-16
Theme Emotional, Gritty, High School, Jazz, Lgbtq, Students & Teenager
Place setting New York City
Location New York City
Runtime 53
Homepage Grand Army Homepage
