Watch Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Animation & Comedy tv show Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash, created by Ryosuke Nakamura & starring Fukushi Ochiai, Hiroyuki Yoshino, Nobunaga Shimazaki & Yoshimasa Hosoya on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash

Haruhiro suddenly wakes up, with no memory but his name. There are a lot of people around, but noone seems to know anything. Haruhiro forms a party of some of the people and start exploring.

All streaming services

Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Microsoft iTunes Playstation
Its air date is Monday January 11, 2016

Production details

Creator Ryosuke Nakamura
Cast Fukushi Ochiai, Hiroyuki Yoshino, Nobunaga Shimazaki & Yoshimasa Hosoya
Genre Action & Adventure, Animation & Comedy
First Air date 2016-01-11
Theme Anime, Based On Light Novel & Watercolour Style
Runtime 24
Homepage Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Homepage


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