Watch Heera online

Can you stream the Drama & Soap tv show Heera, created by Mahir Birav & starring Alexander Uloom, Baraa Al Zubaidi, Haider Abed Thamer & Zahra Habib on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Heera

In a tale of love and revenge, two star-crossed lovers must face a ruthless society and a powerful patriarch hellbent on stopping their marriage.

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Its air date is Sunday September 18, 2022

Production details

Creator Mahir Birav
Cast Alexander Uloom, Baraa Al Zubaidi, Haider Abed Thamer & Zahra Habib
Genre Drama & Soap
First Air date 2022-09-18
Theme Heera, انتقام, حب, حيرة & قصة طويلة
Runtime 45
Homepage Heera Homepage

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