Watch Homeland online
Can you stream the Drama tv show Homeland, created by Alex Gansa & Howard Gordon & starring Claire Danes, Elizabeth Marvel, Mandy Patinkin & Maury Sterling on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Homeland
A bipolar CIA operative becomes convinced a prisoner of war has been turned by al-Qaeda and is planning to carry out a terrorist attack on American soil.
Its air date is Sunday October 2, 2011
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Its air date is Sunday October 2, 2011
Production details
Creator | Alex Gansa & Howard Gordon |
Cast | Claire Danes, Elizabeth Marvel, Mandy Patinkin & Maury Sterling |
Genre | Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
First Air date | 2011-10-02 |
Theme | Bipolar Disorder, Gender, Jungles, Marine, Middle East, National Security, Terrorism, Terrorist, The CIA & War On Terrorism |
Place setting | Berlin, New York City, Pakistan, Virginia & Washington, D.C. |
Location | North Carolina |
Music | Sean Callery |
Runtime | 55 |