Watch Inspector Gadget online
Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Animation & Family tv show Inspector Gadget, created by Anne Loi & Phillip Stamp & starring Ivan Sherry, Lyon Smith, Martin Roach & Scott McCord on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Inspector Gadget
A bumbling bionic police inspector stumbles about on his cases, while his niece and dog secretly do the real investigative work.
Its air date is Friday March 27, 2015
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Its air date is Friday March 27, 2015
Production details
Creator | Anne Loi & Phillip Stamp |
Cast | Ivan Sherry, Lyon Smith, Martin Roach & Scott McCord |
Genre | Action & Adventure, Animation & Family |
Country of origin | Canada & France |
First Air date | 2015-03-27 |
Theme | Cyborg, Cyborgs, Flying Cars & Police Inspector |
Music | Haim Saban |
Runtime | 22 |
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