Watch Jin online

Can you stream the Drama & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show Jin, created by Hiroshi Yoshino & starring Haruka Ayase, Keisuke Koide, Kenta Kiritani & Miki Nakatani on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Jin

The story follows a brain surgeon named, Minakata Jin, who has spent the last two years in anguish, as his fiancee lies in a vegetative state after an operation he performed. One day, he ...

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Its air date is Sunday October 11, 2009

Production details

Creator Hiroshi Yoshino
Cast Haruka Ayase, Keisuke Koide, Kenta Kiritani & Miki Nakatani
Genre Drama & Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Country of origin Japan
First Air date 2009-10-11
Theme Feudal Japan, Historical Fiction & Time Travel
Place setting Tokyo
Runtime 45

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