Watch La Desalmada online

Can you stream the Drama & Soap tv show La Desalmada, created by Ximena Suárez & starring José Ron, Kimberly Dos Ramos, Livia Brito Pestana & Marjorie de Sousa on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: La Desalmada

Fernanda vows revenge after her husband is murdered and she is violated on her wedding night. With a poor memory of that traumatic night, Fernanda mistakes her true love Rafael for the man who ruined her life - Rafael's father.

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Its air date is Monday July 5, 2021

Production details

Creator Ximena Suárez
Cast José Ron, Kimberly Dos Ramos, Livia Brito Pestana & Marjorie de Sousa
Genre Drama & Soap
First Air date 2021-07-05
Runtime 45
Homepage La Desalmada Homepage

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