Watch Magnificent Century online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure & Drama tv show Magnificent Century, created by Timur Savcı & starring Halit Ergenç, Meryem Uzerli, Nur Fettahoglu & Selim Bayraktar on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Magnificent Century

From 1520, follows Suleiman the Magnificent and his relatives from his great conquests to the "Battle of Szigeth".

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Its air date is Thursday January 6, 2011

Production details

Creator Timur Savcı
Cast Halit Ergenç, Meryem Uzerli, Nur Fettahoglu & Selim Bayraktar
Genre Action & Adventure & Drama
Country of origin Turkey
First Air date 2011-01-06
Theme 16th Century, Historical Drama, Ottoman Empire & Royal Family
Time setting 16th century
Music Fahir Atakoğlu
Runtime 90

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