Watch O Clone online

Can you stream the Romance & Sci-fi tv show O Clone, created by George Lucas & Glória Perez & starring Adriana Lessa, Giovanna Antonelli, Murilo Benício & Vera Fischer on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: O Clone

A young man, who has been secretly cloned by his godfather scientist, falls in love for a Moroccan girl from a rigorous family.

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Its air date is Monday October 1, 2001

Production details

Creator George Lucas & Glória Perez
Cast Adriana Lessa, Giovanna Antonelli, Murilo Benício & Vera Fischer
Genre Romance & Sci-fi
Country of origin Brazil & The United States
First Air date 2001-10-01
Theme Clones & Cloning
Place setting Morocco & Rio De Janeiro (city)
Music * & John Williams
Runtime 50


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