Watch Other Space online

Can you stream the Comedy & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show Other Space, created by Paul Feig & starring Eugene Cordero, Joel Hodgson, Neil Casey & Trace Beaulieu on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Other Space

Meet the team of the UMP cruiser, a barely-functional starship led by an aggressively cheerful Captain with a with a barely-competent crew, including a clueless navigator, a brain damaged mechanic, a bickering couple,a man with gills raised to be an organ farm for his brother and ART, the billionaire turned robot. When their ship is drawn into a different universe, they must to learn to work together while dealing with space clouds, robot rebellions, and the occasional alien attack.

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Its air date is Tuesday April 14, 2015

Production details

Creator Paul Feig
Cast Eugene Cordero, Joel Hodgson, Neil Casey & Trace Beaulieu
Genre Comedy & Sci-Fi & Fantasy
First Air date 2015-04-14
Theme Alien Attack, Space Comedy, Space Travel, Spacecraft & Unknown Universe
Time setting 2040s
Runtime 30
Homepage Other Space Homepage


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