Watch Ouro Verde online

Can you stream the Drama & Soap tv show Ouro Verde, created by Maria João Costa & starring Diogo Morgado, Nuno Pardal, Rodrigo Paganelli & Zezé Motta on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Ouro Verde

A rich portuguese farmer at Brazil falls in love with a girl whose father killed his family...and he already knows about it...

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Its air date is Sunday January 8, 2017

Production details

Creator Maria João Costa
Cast Diogo Morgado, Nuno Pardal, Rodrigo Paganelli & Zezé Motta
Genre Drama & Soap
Country of origin Portugal
First Air date 2017-01-08
Theme Portugal, Revenge & Telenovela
Runtime 50
Homepage Ouro Verde Homepage


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