Watch Primeval online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show Primeval, created by Adrian Hodges & Tim Haines & starring Alexander Siddig, Ben Mansfield, Ciarán McMenamin & Ruth Bradley on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Primeval

When strange anomalies start to appear all over England, Professor Cutter and his team must track down and capture all sorts of dangerous prehistoric creatures from Earth's distant past and near future.

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Its air date is Saturday February 10, 2007

Production details

Creator Adrian Hodges & Tim Haines
Cast Alexander Siddig, Ben Mansfield, Ciarán McMenamin & Ruth Bradley
Genre Action & Adventure & Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Country of origin United Kingdom
First Air date 2007-02-10
Theme Anomaly, Dinosaur, Dinosaurs, Jurassic, Monster, Team & Time Portal
Music Dominik Scherrer
Runtime 45


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