Watch Radiant online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Animation & Comedy tv show Radiant, created by Daiki Fukuoka & Seiji Kishi & starring Aoi Yuki, Ayane Sakura, Saori Hayami & Yumiri Hanamori on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Radiant

An office romantic-comedy features the hijinks that ensues between a tempt worker with possible terminally-ill diagnosis and a prickly elite marketing director.

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Its air date is Saturday October 6, 2018

Production details

Creator Daiki Fukuoka & Seiji Kishi
Cast Aoi Yuki, Ayane Sakura, Saori Hayami & Yumiri Hanamori
Genre Action & Adventure, Animation & Comedy
First Air date 2018-10-06
Theme Anime, Based On Manga, Fantasy & Shounen
Runtime 24
Homepage Radiant Homepage


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