Watch Real Girl online

Can you stream the Animation tv show Real Girl, created by Deko Akao, Nanami Mao & Takashi Naoya & starring Reina Ueda, Sayaka Kanda, Uenishi Teppei & Yuu Serizawa on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Real Girl

Hikaru Tsutsui is a quiet, unassuming high school student who forsakes the company of his classmates to spend his time reading manga, playing video games, and watching anime. Hikaru is ...

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Its air date is Wednesday April 4, 2018

Production details

Creator Deko Akao, Nanami Mao & Takashi Naoya
Cast Reina Ueda, Sayaka Kanda, Uenishi Teppei & Yuu Serizawa
Genre Animation
Country of origin The United States
First Air date 2018-04-04
Theme Based On Manga, Educators, Friendship, High School, Romance & School Life
Place setting Los Angeles
Location Los Angeles
Music Ludwig Göransson
Runtime 23
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