Watch Real Humans online

Can you stream the Drama & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show Real Humans, created by Lars Lundström & starring David Lenneman, Eva Röse, Leif Andrée & Lisette Pagler on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Real Humans

In a parallel present the artificial human has come into its own. Robots no longer have anything robot-like about them. New technology and advancements in the field of science have made it ...

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Its air date is Sunday January 22, 2012

Production details

Creator Lars Lundström
Cast David Lenneman, Eva Röse, Leif Andrée & Lisette Pagler
Genre Drama & Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Country of origin * United Kingdom * United States & UK
First Air date 2012-01-22
Theme Androids, Artificial Intelligence, Robot & Technology
Music * Cristobal Tapia de Veer * Sarah Warne
Runtime 60


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