Watch Red Band Society online
Can you stream the Comedy & Drama tv show Red Band Society, created by Albert Espinosa & starring Astro, Dave Annable, Griffin Gluck & Octavia Spencer on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Red Band Society
A group of teenagers live together as patients at a hospital's pediatric ward and learn how to deal with their illnesses, the experiences that they have, and the people that they meet.
Its air date is Wednesday September 17, 2014
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Its air date is Wednesday September 17, 2014
Production details
Creator | Albert Espinosa |
Cast | Astro, Dave Annable, Griffin Gluck & Octavia Spencer |
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
First Air date | 2014-09-17 |
Theme | Child Cancer, Doctor, Doctor Patient Relationship, Doctors & Hospitals, Eating Disorder, Hospital, Hospital Room, Hospitalization, Illness & Teen Anger |
Place setting | Atlanta |
Location | Atlanta |
Music | John Swihart |
Runtime | 42 |