Watch Red Dwarf online

Can you stream the Comedy & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show Red Dwarf, created by Doug Naylor & Rob Grant & starring Chris Barrie, Craig Charles, Danny John-Jules & Robert Llewellyn on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Red Dwarf

The adventures of the last human alive and his friends, stranded three million years into deep space on the mining ship Red Dwarf.

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Its air date is Monday February 15, 1988

Production details

Creator Doug Naylor & Rob Grant
Cast Chris Barrie, Craig Charles, Danny John-Jules & Robert Llewellyn
Genre Comedy & Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Country of origin United Kingdom
First Air date 1988-02-15
Theme Alone In Space, Androids, Asteroid Mining, Cat, Sitcom, Smeg, Space Travel & Spacecraft
Place setting Future
Time setting 11th Millennium Beyond
Runtime 30
Homepage Red Dwarf Homepage


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