Watch Red Oaks online

Can you stream the Comedy tv show Red Oaks, created by David Gordon Green & starring Alexandra Socha, Craig Roberts, Jennifer Grey & Paul Reiser on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Red Oaks

A coming-of-age comedy set in the "go-go" 80s about a college student enjoying a last hurrah before summer comes to an end--and the future begins.

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Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video
Its air date is Thursday August 28, 2014

Production details

Creator David Gordon Green
Cast Alexandra Socha, Craig Roberts, Jennifer Grey & Paul Reiser
Genre Comedy
Country of origin United States
First Air date 2014-08-28
Theme 1980s, Body Swapping, Coming Of Age, Family Relationships, Growing Up & Nostalgia
Time setting 1980s
Location New Jersey & New York (state)
Music Chad Benton
Runtime 30


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Other David Gordon Green TV Series on Amazon Prime

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Undertow | May 14th, 2004

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Our Brand Is Crisis | Sep 11th, 2015

Our Brand Is Crisis
6.1/10 | By David Gordon Green
The United States | Comedy & Drama
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Other David Gordon Green TV Series on Hulu

Manglehorn | Jun 3rd, 2015

5.6/10 | By David Gordon Green
The United States | Drama
Netflix Amazon Video Hulu Google Play YouTube iTunes Playstation

Your Highness | Apr 8th, 2011

Your Highness
5.5/10 | By David Gordon Green
The United States | Comedy
Netflix Amazon Video HBO GO Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz

Undertow | May 14th, 2004

6.7/10 | By David Gordon Green
The United States | Drama & Thriller
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Showtime Tubi TV