Watch Reprisal online

Can you stream the Drama tv show Reprisal, created by Josh Corbin & starring Abigail Spencer, Madison Davenport, Mena Massoud & Rodrigo Santoro on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Reprisal

A hyper-noir story that follows a relentless femme fatale who, after being left for dead, sets out to take revenge against her brother and his bombastic gang of gear-heads.

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Its air date is Friday December 6, 2019

Production details

Creator Josh Corbin
Cast Abigail Spencer, Madison Davenport, Mena Massoud & Rodrigo Santoro
Genre Drama
First Air date 2019-12-06
Theme Femme Fatale & Neo-noir
Location North Carolina
Runtime 56
Homepage Reprisal Homepage
