Watch S.O.Z.: Soldiers or Zombies online

Can you stream the Drama & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show S.O.Z.: Soldiers or Zombies, created by Miguel Tejada-Flores & Nicolás Entel & starring Adria Morales, Horacio Garcia Rojas, Nery Arredondo & Sergio Peris-Mencheta on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: S.O.Z.: Soldiers or Zombies

A narco kingpin escapes from a high-security Mexican prison with his son and finds refuge at a remote drug rehab facility located on the U.S. side of the border where they encounter deadly mutant zombies.

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Amazon Prime Video
Its air date is Friday August 6, 2021

Production details

Creator Miguel Tejada-Flores & Nicolás Entel
Cast Adria Morales, Horacio Garcia Rojas, Nery Arredondo & Sergio Peris-Mencheta
Genre Drama & Sci-Fi & Fantasy
First Air date 2021-08-06
Theme Horror, Mexican Drug Cartels, Narcoterrorist War, Viral Outbreaks, Zombie & Zombies
Place setting United States
Location Washington (state)
Runtime 31
Homepage S.O.Z.: Soldiers or Zombies Homepage

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