Watch Saga of Tanya the Evil online
Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Animation & Drama tv show Saga of Tanya the Evil, created by Uemura Yutaka & starring Aoi Yuki, Saori Hayami, Shinchiro Miki & Tessyo Genda on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Production details
Creator | Uemura Yutaka |
Cast | Aoi Yuki, Saori Hayami, Shinchiro Miki & Tessyo Genda |
Genre | Action & Adventure, Animation & Drama |
Theme | Alternate History, Anime, Based On Light Novel, Magic, Military, Narcissism, Reincarnation, War & Xx Century |
Other Action & Adventure Animation TV Series on Hulu
Star vs. the Forces of Evil | Jan 18th, 2015
8.2/10 | By Daron Nefcy & David Wasson
The United States | Action & Adventure, Animation & Comedy