Watch Schwarzes Marken online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Animation & Drama tv show Schwarzes Marken, created by Yoshida Hirohiko & starring Chika Anzai, Kaori Fukuhara, Kenichi Suzumura & Yoshino Nanjou on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Schwarzes Marken

Germany was divided into East and West after WWII, where citizens of either treated the other side as enemies. In the midst of Cold War, however, the Earth was invaded by an alien life form landed on Kashgar, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, known as "Beta." Now, ten years after the first contact, East Germany, formally German Democratic Republic, has become the front line.

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Its air date is Sunday January 10, 2016

Production details

Creator Yoshida Hirohiko
Cast Chika Anzai, Kaori Fukuhara, Kenichi Suzumura & Yoshino Nanjou
Genre Action & Adventure, Animation & Drama
First Air date 2016-01-10
Theme Mecha
Runtime 24
Homepage Schwarzes Marken Homepage

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