Watch Sea Patrol online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure & Drama tv show Sea Patrol, created by Di McElroy & Hal McElroy & starring Ian Stenlake, John Batchelor, Lisa McCune & Matthew Holmes on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Sea Patrol

Following the crew of the patrol boat HMAS Hammersley, as they patrol the northern sea border of Australia. They have to deal with foreign fishermen poaching fish, smugglers and with political unrest in a neighbouring island state.

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Its air date is Thursday July 5, 2007

Production details

Creator Di McElroy & Hal McElroy
Cast Ian Stenlake, John Batchelor, Lisa McCune & Matthew Holmes
Genre Action & Adventure & Drama
Country of origin Australia
First Air date 2007-07-05
Theme Australia, Fisherman, Forbidden Love, Friends, Navy, Ocean, Sea & War Ship
Place setting New South Wales & Queensland
Music Les Gock
Runtime 42

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