Watch Shakugan no Shana online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Animation & Drama tv show Shakugan no Shana, created by Takashi Watanabe & starring Hitomi Nabatame, Mitsuo Iwata, Rie Kugimiya & Satoshi Hino on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Shakugan no Shana

Yuji is returning from school when suddenly time stops and monsters appear to devour people. He is not frozen, however. When one of the monsters spots him, he is saved by Shana, the great equalizer, who tells him he's a fading spirit.

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Its air date is Wednesday October 5, 2005

Production details

Creator Takashi Watanabe
Cast Hitomi Nabatame, Mitsuo Iwata, Rie Kugimiya & Satoshi Hino
Genre Action & Adventure, Animation & Drama
First Air date 2005-10-05
Theme Anime, Shakuga & Shana
Runtime 25

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